Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The tell-tale horse...

Argent informed that he he would like a real water trough, no more of these stupid buckets hooked up to the pen.  He did this by ceremoniously untying the buckets and proceeding to throw them about the pen.  Yes, they were full of water at the time.   What the fun in playing with an empty bucket I ask you?

I tied a better knot, and he just ripped them off and did it again.  In fact, to prove his point he even got one of them OUT of them pen completely to show his very firm displeasure with said buckets.

Okay FINE, fine, I'll get you a real water trough.  Luckily for me...I know right where one is!

On Saturday after work, I decided to get the water trough that was (oddly) in my attic and use it as it was meant to be a trough....First thing that I noticed was the bar that ran across the middle of that so that the animals don't fight over the water??  I do know that it makes for easier carrying down the steep attic steps.

When I finally got it outside I noticed the holes...holes on purpose, holes that looked like they  had a reason to be there and needed something connected to a pipe...then I noticed the other holes, little tiny rust holes from sitting in the attic for too long.   Finally I noticed the writing on the side of the trough that says Okes mfg. co inc. Poultry and Hog Equipment.

I still can't figure out why it was in the attic...upon asking a knowledgeable friend, I found out that it is ~  yes ~ a water trough, (and no one knows why the bar is there ~ except for carrying it down the stairs) was used as a gravity flow tank way back in the day.  This is how they got water to the bathroom and kitchen!!  How cool is that?  It also explains the holes...

Nice find, but useless to me and Argent is seriously not happy about his bucket situation.  This means I have to find something...I go to dollar general and get an "all purpose bucket"  it looks suspiciously like a portable manure bucket.

Either way Argent was happy with it ~ for a time.  He has knocked it over twice and drug it to the middle of the pen ~ those convenient carrying handles ~  he can't resist them.  I really want to get a photo of him in the act, but I know he hears me coming and drops everything.

I sit down to get some paper work done (read as: "apply for jobs on line")
Argent is outside whinnying his fool head off!  Finally, I roll my eyes and head out there ~ what is his complaint now for heaven sakes?

Thanks for telling me Argent!
As soon as I get out there, I see the problem...Libby and Polo have decided to take a tour of their new neighborhood without him.  I had turned them out into the long lush grass that is our property...yummy right? Not good enough.  I can't even SEE them.  I go to the upstairs bedroom and look out the window (I can see for miles from there) ...Far Far away ~ I.E. ~ two roads over are Libby and Polo...with a black truck.

Again ~ with the neighbors ~ now they are going to think I am the irresponsible horse owner that just lets them run wild over the roads and through the fields...etc. etc.

I get in my car and get to the horses.

I graciously thank the neighbor....he smiles and nods: you know, the way you do when you want someone to go away, but you don't want to be rude...yeah...that nod and smile.

I put my arm out the window and lead them home with a lead rope attached to Libby's Halter. ...I had to drive so slowly that it didn't register on the said "Zero "  I drove zero miles per hour home.   Polo followed Libby.  Thank goodness Libby is a good girl.  She led right along like this was normal.  Talk about your Kodak moments.

I put them back in the small pen.  Thank goodness for the "Argent Alarm"

Well, too late for paper work nooooow.  I  head back to the other house.

On Monday Argent  was doing it again....whinnying his fool head off! Oh great, there goes the Argent Alarm...

Hmmmm, both horses are in the small coral, Argent is in the round pen..Food? Check.  Water?  Check.
Oooh, he wants them in the pasture where they can chat.  NOPE! No pasture for them until I get a fence up.
Sorry Argent.

On Monday evening Michael comes with these little bitty sticks and tells me we are making a!

Well, the fence making was all-in-all pretty easy.  My son helped too and it was done in a the pouring rain of-course.

Argent Alarm was silent the rest of Monday evening ~ all is well with the world.
Tiny specks in the middle are Polo and Libby.
Oh P.S. I decided to see how Argent would act with some crinkly, blowing, brown packing paper....
The first time ever, and this was his response!

Silly horse....

1 comment:

  1. love absolutely love!!! the one pic shwoing off the lush green and round pen!!
