Friday, September 21, 2012

The CAT ~ okay CATS of Windy Hill

Elsa Highlander Female
I'm Elsa, and I will tell you that I am the head Cat here at Windy Hill.  Mostly, no one argues with me about that.

I'm a female Highlander cat.  I am pampered and babied and snuggled (when I feel like it) by my human mom ~ or my "Humom" as I like to call her. .   As you can clearly see, I am gorgeous.  I am a top mouse hunter and string attacker, and my favorite thing is to play in the water.  I am slender and sleek and I'm like a mongoose, quick and alert and ready for anything!

I have no idea why, but my humom doesn't appear to appreciate my love of water when she is taking a shower or brushing her teeth.  I mean, why turn it on if you don't want me to play in it? Duuuuh,

Being the head cat that I am, I get the run of the whole house, all the time.  Some of the other (read: lessor) cats only get certain levels of the house.  I even go on what the house slave terms the "tasting tour of the countries"  really, I am just making sure that the others don't have better nom noms than I do.  I won't tolerate that!
Divinci Highlander Male
Recently, I married Divinci, He's pretty handsome I must say.  But I'm just a shy little girl and I am not used to such advances.  Why, I even had to smack his face for getting fresh with me!  The nerve!  Divinci is the strong silent type towards my Humom.  He runs when she comes close and when he gets in a corner, she reaches down and pats him and he hisses.  He never bites or scratches though, it's just a bluff.  To tell the truth, he's really sweet to me, and the kittens around the house.  They climb all over him and he sits there quietly  ~ it's almost like he enjoys them! Whatever, kittens are fun to sniff, but they have no play value until they are bigger.  Then it's totally fun to race across the room and pounce on them and then we play chase all around the living room.  Shortly after that, they leave to go to their new human moms and dads.   I guess my Humom can't keep everyone, I'm glad she kept me.

Now that we have established that I am indeed the Queen of my Castle ~ and yeah, and the King Divinci (whatever, he is content to live my shadow) I'll introduce the others.
Lula Kinkalow Female
Lets see, there is Lulla, she is a Kinkalow, she has the same kind of awesome curled ears I do, but she also has a long tail and short legs ~ can you imagine?!  She doesn't even jump the counters or anything! She just lays around and purrs and loves and loves and purrs, and she adores everyones kittens.  They all call her "Aunt Lu"  Pfft, too much love for me.  When I first met Lulla I hissed at her, and she KISSED me right on the nose!  Kissing the Queen?!  I was so offended that I ran away from her growling the entire think that she had the absolute nerve to put her short little self right in my bubble and then KISS me?!  BLECK ~ I'm still getting the hair off of my nose. Oh ~ ah yeah, anyway, Lulla is visiting another family right now.  A family with children.  Lulla loves children ~ she loves everything ....I think she is a hippie cat.  I wonder if they should have named her rainbow or river ...oh wait, her registered name has Cupcake in it...well there you have it...That explains it.  Right, back to what I was saying.  Lulla is something humom calls "Fixed" ~ it really means that Lulla can't have babies anymore.  Lulla used to have babies around here, but when her husband died she was too sad to be remarried so she was fixed.  That just made her fatter.

Akina Napoleon Female
Next there is Akina: Akina  is a Napoleon, she also has short legs ~ humom has a thing for "unique" Akina is a little precious princess baby and she stares at me with these soul searching eyes and it gives me the creeps. It's like she can read my mind...or she is trying to control my mind.  Either way, it's creepy.  Akina is so soft and plush that she feels like some kind of stuffed animal, and to be honest, she looks like one too.   When humom isn't looking I try to put Akina in a purse ~ I think Akina should be a purse cat.  She is too short and fluffy to be much else.  Her kittens look like Pillows with eyes ~ ridiculous!   Humom seems to like her though.  Akina ia married to Mooshi.

Mooshi Persian Male
Mooshi is a typical Persian cat, a giant ball of fluff with eyeballs, sometimes you can even see his ears.  He is the goofball of our cat family.  He thinks the Wolf Hybrid dog is his Mommy.  I'm not kidding about this, whenever Bishop (Wolf Hybrid dog) comes inside the house, Mooshi will not leave him alone.  Mooshi rubs underneath Bishops chin, he walks over his paws he rubs his face on Bishops furr...and to top it off, Mooshi is a flopper.  A flopper is a cat that will wonder onto a humans lap and then FLOP down and roll on his back, put all four feet in the air and purr like a fool.  I would never be so undignified.  I'll get a photo of Mooshi in a Flop and post here if you like:)

Now ~ get this....I'm pretty sure it's illegal in several states...but Mooshi...he has ANOTHER wife!  I'm not kidding, he's also married to McKenna, she's another Persian.  She is pregnant by him right now!  When Humom brought McKenna home Mooshi ignored her completely.  She had to make them live together for a long time by themselves or he would just leave McKenna sitting around wondering what she had done wrong while Mooshi would go and have picnics with Akina.  Well, after McKenna and Mooshi lived together..alone...for a long time, McKenna walked out with a wedding bath and a smile.  Akina and McKenna get along okay, they both flick their tails up in the air and twitch the ends of them when they sniff noses, but that's the extent of it.  McKenna has long puffy fur, and you can tell that she is very dignified.  She would never EVER flop.  She does sit on the arm of the couch and watch t.v. with humom though.
McKenna Female Persian
We also have Creamy, Creamy is also a female Highlander, and she was married to Divinci before I grew up enough to be married.  Hmm, what to say about Creamy...well she and I are friends you know.  We will eat together, and sit together.  But she is very quiet and self contained, she meows a lot too..I think she is neurotic.  She is a very good Mommy though, she just had some of Divinci's babies about 4 weeks ago.  She lets me play Aunt to them since Lula is visiting a family right.  I don't play Aunt very I said Kittens that age are for sniffing.

Creamy Highlander Female
As an honorable mention, I have to introduce Poka ~ Poka is the house slaves Poka dot cat.  He got her from a tree Fairy and he claims Poka brings good luck.  I say she brings poopie to the hallway carpet and makes Humom complain about shamooing and stuff.  She is also VERY brave.  Akina hates Poka, Poka doesn't back down from Akina.  I laugh at them and then Poka gets mad at me and chases me and then we play fight in a big ball on the floor and make a bunch of noise and race around in circle and then Poka runs up the curtains.  I've tried to run up the curtains too, but I can't quite do it, I stretch way way up there and pretend I'm climbing though.  Poka sits up on top and laughs at me.  Poka and Mooshi are good friends, it didn't start out that way.  It started out with Poka chasing the Poof on Mooshis tail: he gets shaved sometimes and Humom leave a poof at the end of his tail so he will feel like a Lion.

Poka the Poka Dot Cat
 Mooshi says it makes him feel like a cheerleader instead.  He's very in touch with his feminine side.   uhhh, anyways, Poka plays with Mooshi's poof and Mooshi being the true Persian that he is turns around and give her a slow motion swat.  Mooshi is very chill.  Poka would crack up laughing, leap in the air and pounce on Mooshis head, this gave way to more tail swishing...much to Poka's delight.  Poka would pounce again, fed up, Mooshi would leave...Poka would follow swatting all the while.  Mooshi gave up and now he just lets her play with  his tail.  In return he gets a massage from her once a week.  It's a nice friendship.

At some point I 'll introduce the idiots (read:dogs) and Mooshi's mom ~ you will have to see it to believe it.

The living Arrangements

As I said in the beginning, I get the run of the whole house, because I am that cool.  McKenna and Mooshi get the middle floor.

Akina has her own room downstairs and she also gets to run around in the "open area" if she gets too bored in the room.  Personally, I think this is stupid because it's just more rooms down stairs...what is the difference?  Either way,  Akina seems to think that is cool.   When humom thinks that Mooshi and Akina need to spend quality time together, she puts Mooshi in the downstairs room with Akina. 

Creamy and Divinci live in an outdoor cattery.  That's because Divinci BEGGED to go outside, finally humom let him have his way, within reason.  She gave him an outdoor cattery and Creamy to hang out with.  When humom thinks that Creamy has had enough babies already, humom brings Creamy into the other downstairs room.   I suppose when I have babies I'll have the top floor.  

When Lulla is home she gets the run of the house as well, since she is fixed.  

Humom won't let me play with Mooshi anymore now that I'm all grown up and married to Divinci, not that it would matter, Mooshi has enough to deal with in his own two wives.  He barely acknowledges my existence

So there you have it, the cats of Windy Hill:)  Look for lots of Updates!  Meanwhile ~ I think I hear a faucet on and I have to go...   



  1. High demand for more posts from the cats of windy hill!!!

  2. Several others have said the same, but never here in the comments. I think it is difficult to comment on here. Either way, Yes, yes, Elsa is demanding more posting time as we speak.,..I believe she has some complaints to management to register. SIGH
