Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Story of the House Dobby...

Alright, I'm going to tell you the story of the house Dobby...hopefully I get it right....I used to call him the "kitchen fairy" because when I went to bed at night I would wake up to a clean kitchen.  I know, everyone wants one.  Get your own!
Dobby ~ a close relative to our house Dobby...the rooms look quite similar as well. 

Well, it turns out that the house Dobby has many more duties than just kitchen work.  He feeds horses, hauls things to the back or front yard depending on which direction you point him.  He feeds dogs, does laundry, finds obscure movies to watch when there is nothing on, and it always turns out to be a good movie.  He plays the dreaded never ending Monopoly with my son for hours without quitting.  (All Hail the house Dobby!)  He cleans stalls, he will run errands with me, he moves heavy objects, chops weeds, mows the lawn, splits wood, starts the fire, builds the burn pit, assembles things that need to be assembled,  and will pick up dog poo or barf on the floor with out complaint and, pretty much whatever is needed.  This is helpful to all in the house! So his name was upgraded to house Dobby.  The house Dobby basically lived at Weedy Flats in exchange for room, board and the occasional cigarette.   My understanding of the situation is that he can never escape...even if he is given clothing!  Though he can take an extended Holiday from time to time.  At present he is on Sabbatical   He slept on lowest level in the only room that the cats did not already own.  From time to time he would allow the occasional cat to enter his cave.  The rest of us dared not enter lest we disgruntle him and be forced to do our own dishes, laundry or take out our own trash.

Here is his story the way he sees it:

Dobby knew the truth of the situation.  He chose the dungeon for his living quarters because he had the entire bottom floor as his own.  All the others in the Kingdom of WeedyFlats had to share the other floors with each other.  Dobby never had to share.  The only living creatures allowed in his dark lair were the Kingdom cats.  (Who incidentally also believe the are the rulers of the Kingdom)

Now, Dobby living in the dungeon knew that he was in the Dungeon with the most precious beings in the Kingdom, the cats.  They toiled relentlessly catching mice, bathing themselves and loving their kittens.  The cats are mysterious, secretive creatures that produced lovely kittens for other Kingdoms to enjoy.  This only happened once in awhile in the Kingdom of WeedyFlats, and the house Dobby was always there...watching and sharing his space with cats, guarding them.  The kittens you see, they brought money to the Kingdom of WeedyFlats, and without the kittens there would BE no WeedyFlats.  So Dobby, knew the truth, he knew that as the guardian of the precious Highlander and Napoleon cats and Kittens he himself was the most important person in the Kingdom of WeedyFlats.
Forever Kittens Cattery Highlander Kitten

Forever Kittens Cattery Napoleon Kittens

Sure, he was seen doing regular household chores about the Kingdom, but the reason was not in-fact servitude, but because he knew that no one else would do it correctly.   He also knew that if he didn't act the servant that the others in the castle would suspect the truth of the matter and try of overthrow his Kingship!
Dobbies hidden crown

That is Dobbies story and I'm pretty sure he is sticking to it!

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