Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Why Breed?

Why Breed?  Someone asked me quite some time ago.  I gave the person some really poetic answer about the joy of seeing the new owner with their precious bundle etc etc.  I mean, isn't that what we always say when people ask?

Lately, I have been really thinking about it though... Why Breed?  The over thinking could be due to the fact that I have been on heavy pain killers due to a minor surgery.  Orrr... it could be my natural inclination to totally overthink.  Either way...

Why?  Why do it?  I mean, I can't even pretend it's for the  money.  The last time I looked at my books I was literally In the Hole.  I looked because I was in a great debate with myself over weather or not to get another cat tree.  I got the cat tree.  I haven't looked since.  I know I am deeper in the hole.  It's not even a real business, I am pretty sure a real business is supposed to make a profit.  I do not.  Okay, so it's certainly not the money ~ that is non -existent.  In fact, any GOOD breeder is always "animal poor" we just pour any dollars we get, right back into the animals.  They need things... like cat trees for mental stimulation.  They need fluffy beds for comfort and warmth... if one cat has a comfy bed, the others need one, it's not fair if they don't all have one!  They need shots, and de-worming, and vet exams, and food!  Oh my gosh the food, the stress over the food.  The food is ridiculous.

I am convinced that there is no perfect food for cats unless they are feral and hunt in the woods. The cat litter is another thing!  It's not only expensive, but it's a decision process, seriously, it's every bit as stressful as the darn food.  You want a litter that you cats like (obviously) but you want it to be cost effective (HA!) you also want it to be healthy for your cat.. so not a lot of silica, you want it to be as green as it can be, but it can't be clay, that's too hard to clean. The paper pellets are very green (yay) the cats like them (yay) but they smell, and they don't last long enough.  Back to square one on the  litter.

Lets not forget supplements, we get liver treats, because it's good for the eyes.  It's important for our kitties to have good eyes right?  We get kitten milk replacer, and calcium, and colostrum (just in case) We get canned food because the mama cats need extra moisture and nutrients.  But it can't be just ANY canned cat food, it has to be the "good " kind.  What is the good kind?  I mean there a good kind?  We have to have special kitten food ~ they need taurine.  What is taurine? What does it do? Why do the kittens need it?  Can they get  it anywhere else?

We need syringes, and nipples and iodine and scissors, and tape and wraps and puppy pads, and mini litter boxes for the babies.  The list doesn't end.  Have I mentioned cat toys yet? We need those too, it's important.  They need fresh air and sunshine, that means and outdoor cattio on nice days.

But why?  I mean, it's really just stress after stress! What is so great about this and why on earth keep doing it?  Do I need to even mention the furniture?  Or lack thereof?  We can't have nice things...  unless by "nice" you mean "smells like cat piss in July " then we have that covered.  The fur, the fur is everywhere.

and the PEOPLE!!  Do people  not read anymore? Did they EVER?  I post an ad with the PRICE, the BREED, the AGE, the GENDER , the LOCATION ... and what happens?

People call/ text/email... How old are your kittens (date is on the ad) can you count?  How much is it?  "It" is a kitten and you can't have "IT"  Where are you located?  You are in Wisconsin right?  Is Wisconsin in Indiana? How far are you from me?  (They don't have google maps ~ but clearly  I do, because I can always answer this question)  My computer is special, and when you type things in the search engine... like "google maps" it can tell me how far away things are.  It's complex, I know... don't try it at home.  Leave it to the experts.

These same people ~ after figuring everything out, by chatting with me for hours on the phone and via email, and 2 am texts, take the kitten home.  Meanwhile... I stress over weather or not I made the right decision.  I mean Mary Jane couldn't read the ad, should I have let little fluffy go home with her?  Did fluffy like the drive there?  What if fluffy misses her brothers and sisters?  What if they should have taken two kittens to keep each other company?  What if their dog actually hates cats.  What if someone steps on fluffy?!  OMG!  WHY BREED?!

Back to the narrative, these people take fluffy home.  I calm down, and reassure myself that fluffy is just fine and happy.  Then they call/ text/ email... "Fluffy sure does poop a lot, is there something you can recommend to make him poop less?"   What?  I mean.. how much is a  lot?  "Well, I have to change this litter box once a week at least"  A week? SIGH... I need to put that in my information papers, what goes in, must come out.  Kittens poop, it's a fact.  The box should be cleaned daily.  Once a week?!! GAG!  Yes, that was a real conversation, with a real person.

The next call / text/ email is inevitably,ALWAYS  "What do you feed her at home?"  I stupidly forgot that people do not read anymore.  I sent an entire information packet  with Fluffy that tells the new adopter alll about Fluffy's likes/ dislikes, favorite toy, favorite color, favorite brother and sister, best habits and what time of day is the best for sunning in a sunspot in June, so they will open the damn curtains.  But people don't read.  Fluffy was eating Royal Canin last week.  This week I was debating over canned food vs kibble and ended up mixing the two together with pedialite in case Fluffy needed extra electrolytes.  I tell them Royal Canin.

Why BREED?  This is a night mare.

The truth?  The truth about breeding... after many hydrocodone and lots of Diet Pepsi (because we all know you can't have one without the other)

I breed because I LIKE it.  I DO love the soft, snuggly, little purrs.  I THRIVE on the damn 3 am phone calls about "what food should I give Fluffy" and the 15th request for new photos in three days.  I am THRILLED about the incessant questions, and the need to explain for the 12th time how much Fluffy costs, and why cats need to poop.  I LIKE it.  I like interacting with the people, they are asking because they care.  They have read 300 ads, and they have no idea who they  have talked to, and who they haven't. They don't even remember which kittens I have.  I like talking about my kittens, and what kind of food they need to have (even if I haven't quite decided what is actually best for them yet.)  I like feeling like I have made a difference in the life of a family by having the privilege of providing them with the perfect little paws to fill their hearts and race through the house at 2 in the morning chasing invisible mice.

I am so lucky to have been Blessed with the knowledge to keep these babies going, and keep the mama's healthy and the Daddy's happy.  I adore that I can share this with others.  I get to play with fuzzy, sweet, gentle, babies every. single. day!  Then, I get to share these beautiful breeds with others.

The truth is... I like breeding. That is Why I Breed.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Death of a tooth brush...

My tool of choice

So, as I was on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush... it occurred to me:  I spend an inordinate amount of time on my hands and knees on the floor, and the benefit to me is minimal.  For the amount of time I spend on the darn floor I should get better rewards.  That's all I am saying.

What was I doing scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush you ask?  Aside from the obvious ~ cleaning the floor..

Well, I saw this article when I went into a deep google dive looking up paper clips or some other inane/I don't need it/ probably another cat/ object.  But I digress, I stumbled across an ad for a "grout pen"  you draw on your grout lines with a magical pen (that looks suspiciously like ANY paint pen) and it seals your grout and makes it look like new again, just like that!
BEFORE black grout.

Hmmm, so then I started thinking... shouldn't you clean the grout before drawing on it and sealing the dirt/ germs in forever?  So, I clearly had to research how to clean grout... with out chemicals.... because I am totally wholesome like that.... and cheap.

So, I watched YouTube videos... that is where all of my DIY house hold fixing education is obtained. Turns out that hydrogen peroxide and baking soda cleans grout.

So, I have white tiles (who puts white tiles in an old farm house?!) with black grout in my kitchen, bathroom and laundry room.  I clearly have nothing else to do, like work, do homework, chores, take care of the animals... so I am going to clean my grout. That is why I was on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush... the grout on my floor to be specific.

AFTER light grey grout!!
It turns out I have light grey grout!!!  How embarrassing! Allll this time, I think I have white tiles and black grout.  Seriously.  No one teaches you these things... in fact, before I was forced into becoming a "handy woman" I thought that the floors were magically made out of tiles by fairies and that the lines between them were part of a pattern that never changed colors.  So, my white tiles can be mopped white... but the grout.. the grout is porous, all that mopping... yeah, that dirty mop water... the grout soaks it up.  GROSSS!  I hand scrubbed all my grout with a toothbrush (Had to get a new one two times) baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide. 

I quite liked the results.. surely there is an easier way!  Isn't there like a grout steam cleaner out there?  I can't do this once a week.. .but I sure am not going to live with germy grout.  Maybe I need a paint pen after all....

Super clean! 

Sunday, August 11, 2019

West and Wind August 10, 2019 Alpine Kittens

These two Lovely Boys are still available!  I know it's not a Windy Hill story, and boy do I ever have a lot of those!  However, these friendly,  playful bro's want a forever home...In fact, Wind has written his own ad copy (and who am I to say no)

 *SWM - extrovert, likes the outdoors, hunts, fishes, enjoys long naps, walks in the sunshine, early spring mornings, butterflys, cuddling, tv night, doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, very clean!  Just looking for the right person to settle down with,  Hit me up!