Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Syringe, the Dogs and the Nice Police Officer

So, my Persian cat Mooshi has been sneezing lately.  With Mooshi that indicates that it's time for antibiotics. If the weather even thinks of changing he needs them.  With this said, I decided to take my antibiotics with me when I came to WindyHill.  The cats and dogs travel with me back and forth.  That's all simple enough right?
Mooshi sleeping (as usual) and Elsa

Well, on the way from WindyHill to the other place at around 1 a.m., I had both dogs in the back seat, and Mooshi and Elsa in the very back in their protective carrier.  Along with the pets come the antibiotics and the rest of their accouterments.  I administer said antibiotics via a syringe with no needle; the powdered Amoxicillian is diluted in water for semi-easy oral administration to the cat.  Just suck the mixed solution into the syringe and put the syringe into cats mouth, depress plunger ` and Voila!  Getting the liquid mixture into the syringe is made easy by using a small vial  ....such as say.. a shot glass.   (Just follow along, you will see why you needed the description as we go along.)

Looks Innocent right?

The dogs in the back were very restless, the Great Dane Lab cross kept putting her nose in between the window and the side of the drivers seat sniffing loudly and wagging her tail ~ bang, bang, bang against the car door goes the tail.  This incites Doom to "talk" about it.  Growl, growl, growl.  This provokes Karma (Lab Dane cross) to tell him to shut up ~ this involves her moving around and Doom sticking his big ol' head up front in between the seats to let me know that Karma is bothering him.  Lots of movement in the back seat as they re-shuffle.  Meanwhile, I am actually trying to drive.  Elsa lends to the chaos by voicing a plaintive "Merrow" from the back of the car every so often.  Mooshi is probably sleeping.  While the dogs are pacing around in the back seat, the phone rings.  It's my friend of Germany.  Eh what the heck, may as well answer it, it's late, no one else is on the road (with the exception of the weirdo that has been following me for the past 20 minutes.)
Doom and Karma pretending this is how they always look

Cue the idiots (ahem I mean dogs) to decide that they need to re-adjust sleeping positions right NOW.  Karma tries to climb upfront to the passenger seat.  I push her gently back and tell her to lay down already. Doom has now taken up the entire back seat.  Karma has to settle for the floor.  Fine.

During this little dance, I happen to look up and see red and blue lights in my rearview.  Uh oh..I tell my friend I'm getting pulled over and have to go.

I pull over.  As soon as the car stops Karma jumps to high alert.

I roll down my window, tell Karma to be good and ...I glance to my right; on the car seat next to me is the syringe, shot glass and powdered Amoxicillian for the darn cat.  I wonder if I should move that stuff.  I decide against it, as it may look suspicious.  But having it sitting there totally doesn't right?

Crunch, crunch, crunch goes the officers footsteps on the ground.  Cue Karma to go into HIGH ALERT DEFCON 5 !!!!    She barked so much that she almost choked herself.

"Meoooowwww" says Elsa.

Doom laid quietly in the back seat like it was nothing.

I shove a leftover poptart into Karmas mouth as the officer approaches my window hoping to silence her.

"License and registration please"

The voice causes Doom to slowly raise his massive body up off the seat and give a single "Woof" as he edges closer to me from the back seat.

Officer steps back from the window.

 I smile wanly at the officer.  I have to hand him my license through the window while he stands 3 feet from the car.  He tells me to stay in the car.  (no kidding, as if I have any chance of leaving the car)
Officer glances briefly at my license .."Do you have any idea why I pulled you over?"  (eh..because you saw all the commotion in the back seat after following me for 20 minutes and wondered why my children were not buckled in?)

Me:  No officer..Sir
Officer:  You were driving erratically.
Me: Oh, eh he he, yes Sir, sorry about that.  umm, my registration is in my glove box and it's broken and I can't open it unless I break it open, would you like me to do so?

The officer leans an inch forward to glance into my car...both dogs lean three inches forward and Doom is growling low in the back of his throat.  Officer eyes my syringe and shot glass...He raises and eyebrow..and then says.

"Nope, just let me run your license real quick and if everything checks out, you can go with just a warning."

Officer walks away.  Karma scrambles to watch him out the back window.  Doom settles back into a more comfortable sitting position in the back seat and waits.

My driving record is spotless (thank Goodness) and he comes back with a smile and a pink slip telling me to drive safely.  He hands me the slip from three feet away.  As I reach for it...both dogs lean forward, Doom growling again, and Karma of course is doing her ansty dance.  Prance, prance, prance, wine, woof, woof, wine.  prance.

Officer beats a hasty retreat.  Karma gives a final "Woof" (and stay out!)
I turn to both dogs before starting off:
Me:  Okay, good dogs, you have saved the day, now lay down and be quiet.

Karma groans as she settles onto the floor in contentment and Doom Sighs loudly and he stretches full-length across the entire back seat, front and back legs hanging over the edges.

"Meow?" says Elsa

Elsa..this is her sneaking..not obvious at all right?

We made him home without further incident.
and ...yes, the "weirdo" following me turned out to be the Police Officer...
Haven't heard from my friend in Germany for awhile though....

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