Monday, July 29, 2013

The REST of the HORSE Story


Upon finally arriving home, I inspect the horses under the big security light and find that Gypsy has an injury.  Her eye, her poor eye.  Gypsy has always had a tiny spot in her left eye, nothing to even note really.  But now, now Gyspies eye is closed tight and slightly swollen and weeping.  I just want to cry for her.  But no time for pity, I must take care of her eye.  Before doing so, I closely look at the other two horses to ascertain how they faired in their jaunt through the country.   Polo and Libby are quite fine, and asking if they can please go eat the pile of waiting hay.  I release them to the hay and get the supplies needed for Gypsies eye.


After spending time doctoring Gypsies eye and hoping that she will see again I say another prayer of thanks that they all survived and that the spirit light has not followed me home. 

I blanket all three horses whom are steadfastly refusing to go into the barn, and take note of my surroundings.

If the horses got out there is a reason they got out.   It had not escaped my notice that when I put Polo and Libby into the pasture the gate was wide open ~ the electric wires crack - cracking on the ground.   Now, why in the world would this be open?  Not torn down, not run through, but open as if I had opened it and just left it that way.  But really, why in the world would I do that?  I thought back in my mind the days before I had left WindyHill to visit Weedy Flats….it slowly dawned on me.  The training horses…the training horses has been in this pasture…when they went home the gate was left wide open, thus stopping the electrical loop and making it easy for my horses to simply walk out of the pasture and traverse the country side like Bedouin followers! 

Standing there in the sleet on the frozen ground with a frozen lead rope and eye ointment in my gloved hands, I got angry.  How could ANY horse person just leave a gate wide open like that?  We all know that if you find it closed to close it back up?  Doesn’t everyone know that electric fence needs to be connected to itself in order to be…electric?!  It’s indecent!  It’s rude!  Gyspy has a hurt eye because of someone else’s carelessness and thoughtlessness! 

I forced myself not to have a breakdown, not yet…there was a Mastiff standing on my cold foot with his giant paw looking up at me as if to say “Inside now mom?”

Doom the Mastiff

With another big sigh, I let myself, and the dog in the house.  I rallied forth, telling myself that at least I didn't have to fix the fence, the horses we now home safe and sound and they hadn't gone too far and that it the fence was just forgotten.  It was not done on purpose.  It was an accident I tell myself: no one would do that intentionally…at least, not this person.  I trust this person more than that.  Nope, it was just a mistake and that is all there is to it.  These things ran through my mind as I dried off myself, my dog and put my things away. 

I glanced at the clock, it was close to midnight, I was frightened of being alone in the house with the dogs and the potential threat of a visiting spirit light.  I was tired of being here with no help ~ no one to double check the fences when people leave, no one to help me hunt for horses in the night.  No one to move the heavy bales of hay or break the waters, or check the water heaters, or shovel the porch, or hold frightened horses when I doctor an eye, or …protect me from spirit lights….okay, I admit it ~ despite my little pep talk I was frightened, and lonely and feeling quite sorry for myself in that moment standing in my kitchen with wet hair and a big dang dog once again on my foot.

THIS is how the Dobby came to be….

To be continued……

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