Friday, November 2, 2012

The Arrival of BlackStone ~ new Training Horse.

Meet BlackStone: Blackstone is my new Dales Pony in training.  He is owned by the same person that owned Argent.  See, all you doubting Nelly's out there, I told you that she would come back. (whew)
BlackStone Dales Pony in training
BlackStone is four years old, and has not been worked with much.  It all started on a dark, drizzly, windy, cold night here at Windy if we ever have any other kind of weather here.

What preceded the event was many hours of my son saying "Is her son coming with her?  He is really nice, and he is a good boy too!  Are they  here yet?  When are they going to be here?"

Finally, we got the phone call that BlackStone and company had arrived.  I glanced at my son, he was sleeping was a school night...I hate to wake him up so late on a school night...after an internal debate, I let him sleep.

In deference to the cursed and dangerous driveway, Blackstones owner and I mututally agreed that it would be best  (and safest) to meet at the end of the driveway.  This meant it was necessary for me to walk down said lonely, long, dark, dreary driveway by myself, alone, with no one else...hmmm.  That seemed silly, so I left the Mastiff with my son and took the Dane Lab cross ~ I wasn't sure how the Mastiff would greet people in the dark, even if I did tell him it was okay.  I knew that that Kharma would listen to me when I said "It's okay, they are friendly" and not eat anyone.  Besides, I wanted my son to have the Mastiff (Doom) with him while he snoozed away.  I put Doom on "guard" before I left the house, and Kharma and I traversed the dark, lonely driveway.  Read as; Kharma barked her fool head off and raced ahead of me to ward off all impending danger of small children, horses and fancy standard poodle with a cute show groom.   I was left to fumble my way down the driveway; alone.  At least the Mastiff would have stayed right at my side.  Sigh.

Well, I made it to the end of the driveway with out being attacked by coyotes, wild banshees, or other creepy wildlife lurking in the fields on either side of me.

BlackStone Handsome boy
I finally meet BlackStone, a simply lovely coal black example of the Dales Pony with a cute baby doll head, a willing attitude and just enough snort and blow to tell me that he will be super fun to train.  We led him up the driveway with no incidents despite my dog leaping for joy around his legs and pestering poor Poodle to no end.  

Next day, *B_______ noted with interest that Blackstone had arrived and I was treated to all manner of dirty looks, and accusations of not wanting him to ever do anything fun!  I apologized several times.  He seemed mollified in the end, realizing that sleep is very important before school.  Glad the crisis was averted!

Now, I must go, I hear a Dales pony wanting to learn!

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